14 August 2021 6 Elul 5781 RCV Statement
Please see the attached COVID update from the CSG.
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria together with the Melbourne Beth Din urge the community to check the recently added exposure sites. https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites
We reiterate our call to every member of the community to comply with all government restrictions without exception and to follow the relevant health instructions.
By acting responsibly for ourselves and those around us, we can all play a role in bringing this lockdown to an end, hopefully in time for Yom Tov.
We understand that these are challenging times and want to reassure the community that the Rabbis and Rebbetzins of the RCV are here for you at all times.
Wishing the community a Ketiva V’chatima Tova.
Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick AM Rabbi Philip Heilbrunn OAM
Av Melbourne Beth Din President RCV