RCV Rabbis and Rebbetzins undertake Mental Health Training
Rabbis and Rebbetzins of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) partook in a four session Mental Health Training Course, facilitated by Dr Nicky Jacobs, a Senior Lecturer, Clinical & Counselling Psychologist, Course Leader Master of Counselling, Faculty of Education Monash University.
The course, hosted at Caulfield Shule, focussed on topics such as advanced issues in mental health including ethical implications. The course was run over 4 sessions and covered areas such as counselling perspectives, stress and anxiety, depression and sadness, trauma and referrals to name but a few areas.

Nicky commented “It was very encouraging to see so many Rabbis and Rebbetzins interested in learning about mental illness and ways to support the community when faced with a mental health issue”.
Rabbi Kahn, committee member of the RCV said “The course was extremely well presented and the skills learnt will enhance our work as rabbis in particular in supporting our community.”
The RCV is very grateful to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship for facilitating such valuable training and looks forward to continuing this partnership in the further.
For further information contact: Executive Director at executive@rcv.org.au