RCV partners with UIA + CSG
Members of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria recently enjoyed an annual luncheon hosted by the United Israel Appeal. UIA Shliach and executive director name Idan Goldberger informed the Rabbis about this year's Kol Nidrei Appeal and how the UIA intends to use the funds raised from the appeal. UIA President Shlomo Werdiger also addressed the Rabbis and thanked them for their ongoing support of the Kol Nidrei appeal and explained how the funds raised from the appeal makes a tremendous impact on so many lives.
Vice President of the RCV, Rabbi Daniel Rabin, thanked the UIA for their outstanding work they have done and continue to do. "This year's appeal touches to the very core of what it means to help change the life of a fellow Jew. I, along with my colleagues, feel the appeal is connected to the spirit of Yom Kippur and we look forward to addressing it on Yom Kippur night."
Following the luncheon the RCV held an SGM which included a briefing for the CSG regarding safety and security for the upcoming High Holiday Period and a presentation by Financial Adviser, Esther Althaus regarding life insurance and general advice for Rabbis and Rebbetzins about protecting their families financially from unexpected unforseen circumstances.
For further information contact: Executive Director at HYPERLINK "mailto:executive@rcv.org.au" \t "_blank" executive@rcv.org.au