RCV Rabbi and Rebbetzins Train in Family Violence
With thanks to Jewish Care Victoria, the RCV recently had the opportunity to undertake high level Family Violence training with Naomi Tucker from Shalom Bayit, a Jewish family violence prevention agency in the United States. With a breadth of activities from clergy training and youth education programs to the MenschUp! initiative, Shalom Bayit's goal is community transformation: to improve the health and vitality of the Jewish community by ensuring everyone's right to healthy, violence-free relationships.
Naomi presenting to the training participants.

Naomi presented on many facets of family violence including, shule culture, communicating with perpetrators and the influence of the Rabbi's position. The rabbis and rebbetzins explored many further issues with Naomi during the interactive and informative session.

Rabbi Yoseph Nerenberg, RCV Secretary presenting Naomi Tucker and Cassie Barrett from Jewish Care Victoria with certificates of appreciation.