RCV ShabbaTTogether Focusing on Disability Inclusion
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria is pleased to support the ShabbaTTogether project aiming to encourage Shule communities around the globe to dedicate the Shabbat of Feb 8th 2019 – 3 Adar 1 to increasing disability inclusion and mental health awareness.
In the lead up to ShabbaTTogether, the RCV ran training for rabbis and rebbetzins on disability inclusion hosted by Chabad Malvern. Rabbi Reuvi Cooper delivered an informative, engaging and practical session to increase awareness of the importance of making our shules more inclusive and welcoming to people with disabilities.
This session included vital information on what inclusion may look like in your shule and how best to implement it from a personal and professional outlook. Rabbi Cooper’s presentation included:
The limits of Human Perception - are we objective?
The theory of Inclusion
The ethics of Inclusion
Barriers to inclusion and strategies to overcome them

View below the Disability Inclusion Myths and Facts Brochure:
Inclusion Guidelines:
News Articles: